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Road Cycling

Jonathan Tomassetti
For the June 2014 issue of Wheelspeak, Jack Houghton has written an article on Paceline Safety.  This is actually a two-part article that will be continued in the following issue.  Please read the article and if have any tips or comments on the topic of Paceline Safety, you can add them to this thread.
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Jonathan Tomassetti
On Pez Cycling News, John Howard wrote an article on safe riding titled: Love Your Skin and Keep It
Jonathan Tomassetti
Saturday May 24, 2014 on one of the NFBC rides we had another paceline crash due to overlapping wheels.
We should be thinking of the gap between wheels in terms of feet and not in inches.  
Wallace McRoy
June/July 2013 issue of WHEELSPEAK:

"...A tight pace line should probably allow at least two feet between the leading rider’s back wheel and the following rider’s front wheel. I would prefer that the person behind me leave a three-foot gap. Beginning riders should consider allowing a full bicycle length between each other..."

Wallace McRoy
770-653-0104 c
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