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North Florida Bicycle Club Advocacy Program


North Florida Bicycle Club advocates for the safety and mobility rights of its club members, and for all people who ride bicycles in North Florida.

All of our *advocacy * efforts begin with the *Bicyclists' Bill of Rights*, officially endorsed by the Board of Directors of the North Florida Bicycle Club. We apply these rights to everyday situations affecting our members as they ride in North Florida. It was due to our efforts that the copyright owners of the Bicyclists' Bill of Rights amended the document to meet Florida requirements and to allow us to use it officially. In May of 2022 the NFBC Board of Directors voted on and approved our NFBC Advocacy Polices

What we do:

  • We use *assertive communication* skills to advance our policy objectives in an effective manner.
  • We report and follow up on road hazards.
  • We represent NFBC on the City of Jacksonville Bicycle Advisory Committee
  • We work with local Florida Dept. of Transportation engineers to assure legally required access on State Highways and Roads.
  • We work to secure support with public officials and politicians to introduce a bike-friendly environment. 
  • We educate our members and the public on bicyclists' rights and responsibilities.
  • We participate in community efforts to promote bicycle safety.

Planning/Creating a Route/Event?

To search for the status of any FDOT active road construction, detours, closures, project dates, etc. check for road updates

To Report Road Problems That Are Maintained in Your Local Area:


Call 904-630-2489, or if on-line,    (Sign up and report the problem)

Jacksonville Beach

Call 904-247-6219, or if on-line, (Create an account & report the issue)

St Augustine

Call 904-209-0170, speak with Mike Grunewald, Traffic Engineer (,   or if on-line,

Clay County

Call 904-284-6335 Public Works Dept, or if on-line,,  find and click on “streets”

Town of Orange Park

Call 904-264-7411, Street Division, or if on-line,

Nassau County

Call 904-530-6175 Public Works Dept, or if on-line, www.nassaucountyflcom

For Local Duval County Contact Information Regarding Cycling in General:

Matt Fall, the city of Jacksonville’s Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator

Transportation Planning Division

904 255 7835


Active Projects We Have Opened Recently, both Individually or as a Group

  • Several of our members are on the city of Jacksonville’s Vision Zero  planning committee who is under grant to search for effective bicycle infrastructure design improvements and safety ideas to reduce our injuries.
  • The installation of face shielding on the Fuller Warren Shared Use Path, to reduce debris from passing traffic getting into pedestrian and cyclists’ eyes when using the path.
  • Blue road reflectors are being added and replaced onto the roadways where cyclists travel that after are adjacent to fire hydrants as they are being primed white and painted yellow, but the old reflectors are not all being removed.  This can be treacherous for skinny bike tires when they are close together especially when the old ones are damaged.
  • Working with cities on keeping bike lanes free of debris
  • JTA received a grant and has plans to introduce autonomous driving buses that have a history of not being able to recognize cyclists and we are staying close to this issue
  • COJ is installing smart sensing traffic signals and we are going to share how they trigger and operate shortly with the club.
  • The 20 ft distance that motor vehicles must allow for cyclists prior to turning right in front is under appeal.  We are asking that the distance be increased to 150’.
  • FDOT has been installing rumble strips on many roads.  The have detailed manuals on how to do this with consideration of cyclists and when they fall short we work with them to correct the situation 
  • Pedaling for Safety is planning to invest in used kids bike repairs to be used to supply future local bike rodeos for kids.

Brian Benwick Advocacy Director, North Florida Bicycle Club.