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HomeUsing This Website
The North Florida Bicycle Club's web site is hosted by a company called Club Express.  This allows us to maintain our member database online and to accept credit card payment for our events on our website.

Logging on to the website

Current members have a user name and password that they selected when joining the club.  Certain content on the website is viewable by members only, and therefore you need to log on in order to access it.  Click on the Member Login link at the top left to enter this information.  Links for forgotten passwords and trouble logging on are available on this page.  You can also contact the membership director if you have problems logging in or having your password reset if needed.

Maintaining your profile information

When you log on to the web site the  Member Login link is replced with your name, a link to log out, and a link called Profile, located directly under your name.  Click on the Profile link to access your account, which includes your contact information.  The NFBC asks that you keep your contact information updated to allow us to be able to contact you as necessary.  Note that the NFBC will never provide your contact information to outside parties.

Membership Types

NFBC has two types of members - Individual and Family.  Family memberships allow you to enter your spouse's information along with a user name and password.  It also allows you to list your chldren, although child members are not able to log on.  The person in a family membership who does the signup is called the primary member, and the other members are either secondary or child members.  The primary member is the only one that can renew the membership.  Because of this, we suggest that the primary and secondary members in a family membership have seperate email address as the renewal notice is only sent to the primary member.  If the email addresses are the same, the secondary member also gets the renewal notice, but is unsuccessful when trying to renew the membership.  NFBC staff can change a family members designation if desired - we can make the secondary the primary member, which automatically switches the old primary to secondary.

Event Registration

Members and non members can use our website to register for events such as the Tour de Forts, and Endless Summer Watermelon Ride, and pay the ride fees with a credit card.  We do not accept payment by check - sorry.  Members should log on to register in order to get the member discount.  It is very important that all members in a family membership each log on seperatly to register.  Our system may allow a person to register twice - it will warn you, but allow you to proceede.  Our events require participants to agree to a ride waiver.  In the state of FLorida, it is illeagal for an adult to agree to a waiver on behalf of another adult.  Therefore, we will have to cancel your duplicate registration and execute a difficult process to get all your family members registered.  We ask that you contact us if you experience an issue, or have a question before registering for the event.  We will be glad to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have documented a number of issues our members have experienced along with the steps to fix them.  In case you are experiencing a problem, you can either visit the FAQ page to see if your issue has been covered or contact us.  Don't hesitate to contact us for any reason.

Wheelspeak - NFBC's monthly newsletter

Our newsletter is published monthly excepr in January and July.  It is published electronically via a link to it in an email sent to current members.  This is one reason to keep your email address updated in your profile!  Please note that if you turn off your option to receive email, or opt out of email from a link at the bottom of club informational emails, you will no longer receive the newsletter.  Back issues can be found on the Documents tab.

Last Minute Ride Schedule Change Notification

We have developed a Last Minute Ride Schedule Change Notification System for our members utilizing a Forum on the NFBC website. In the event of a cancellation of a ride for weather or other truly last minute change, the Ride Leader will post a message on the Forum. An  email will immediately be sent to all members who have subscribed to the Forum notifying them of the change. As most of us have smart phones capable of receiving emails, there will be no need to sign on to your PC much less the Forum to look for an update. This system will not preclude Ride Leaders from posting the message elsewhere such as on Facebook but over time we expect that this system will become the main Club notification system.  This Forum will not be used for social chatter about rides which will remain on Facebook, sriders group on Yahoo, etc.  For instructions on joining the Last Minute Ride Change Notification Forum, See the FAQ page.